I try to watch Ottawa City Council meetings on youtube. Its truly mind numbing.
What raises my temperature is the disconnect between what councillors stated were their priorities and what they actually spend their time and money on.
Did they say they would spend another half billion on Landsdowne? No.
Did they plan for giant tents for immigrants? No.
Did they plan on spending millions on swampland? No.
Whose interests does it serve to deviate council and its bureaucrats time, energy and money. Well it is not yours, the taxpayers.
Certainly 90% of the crap that passes for council deliberation is way off their stated priorities...hours of bafflegab and "Whereas" bullcrap.
A big part of the problem is the sheer volume of material, the briefings, the delegations, the minutes, the lengthy meetings...no mere human can ingest, digest, process and synthesize it all. They need help!
These are not stupid people but at times they really think incorrectly. For example, the recent debate on renoviction where tenants get evicted over landlord capital improvements. Its a provincial matter! Why spend two hours debating it. Send your demand note to the province.
My recommendation is to introduce artificial intelligence to assist members with their workload. No council decision or debate should proceed without AI summarues, option analysis and recommendations against stated priorities.
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