Thursday, 14 March 2019

Ward Issues - The folly of promises made but unkept

I encourage people to ask for the change they want to see in the Ward.  What I have heard over the last month has not been unreasonable...better snow clearing, help with child care for new citizens, improved bike lane maintenance, vigilance at council to guard the public purse... this is all very reasonable.  You will find all candidates citing similar surprise there, we collectively know what our issues are.

One man simply asked for a better dog park. As a dog owner I can relate. As I have said, I want to support families, their children and their pets. The animals are just innocent by standers and they trust that we will look after them.

Voter Resources:

Rogers TV finally published their candidates presentations. There are 15 of these three minute sessions. It is interesting to see many reading notes and reciting lists. I am sure this approach is not going to resonate with voters. Why? Because the issues are pretty much universal, instead the point is “who will best represent the ward?” You be the judge, here are ALL of the statements: Here is the link to the English show on our YouTube channel. (may thanks to Rogers TV for their support of this community ward election)

If you are impatient... I start at 15:53! ... but please listen to what everybody has to say.  

Community Policing Anyone?

Community policing is a philosophy of full service personalized policing, where the same officer patrols and works in the same area on a permanent basis, from a decentralized place, working in a proactive partnership with citizens to identify and solve problems." — Bertus Ferreira.

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